Saturday, 8 September 2012

How do we celebrate Independence Day?

1.       By joining Jabatan Pertahanan Awam (JPAM).
·         During our time at JPAM training centre, we being given a lot of information about our own country, Malaysia. So that, make us feel so grateful as our country had being released from all imperialists, and now we are ‘Merdeka’.
2.       By visiting our National Monument.
·         This were helping us a lot to recall back all the memories during the time before we get independence. This also make our love towards Malaysia grew much more.
3.       By watching patriotic movies, such as Embun, Leftenan Adnan, Paloh and many more.
4.       By singing full of emotion when singing a patriotic song, such as, Tanggal 31 Ogos, Jalur Gemilang, Keranamu Malaysia and many more.

How do we show your patriotism to our beloved country. Malaysia?

1.       By attending National Service course
·         The young citizens will have a better and deeper knowledge and eventually they will respect others people customs. Thus by respecting the uniqueness of every culture, this helps us promote racial solidarity and enhance national unity.
2.       By singing Negaraku song during assembly.
·         Although it was a simple action, however it would be a great way to show our devotion to Malaysia.
3.        By raising our Malaysia flag.
·         This will shows that we are proud to be Malaysian.
4.       Although a student further their study overseas, they need to come back to Malaysia, to serve for our country.
·         We are Malaysian; it is our responsible to make Malaysia to be one of the top countries someday. 

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